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Ideea infiintarii clubului nostru s-a nascut atunci cand un grup de prieteni, din care o buna parte erau sau fusesera membrii activi Rotaract, au decis ca exista suficient suflet si energie in micul lor cerc pentru un al saptelea club Rotary in orasul Cluj-Napoca.
Primii 12 membrii s-au intalnit la data de 20 noiembrie 2017, inregistrarea oficiala in analele Rotary International a avut loc in aprilie 2018, iar ceremonia de Chartare, sub obladuirea Guvernatorului Cristian Jurj si a Past-Guvernatorilor Martha Maria Mocanu si Emil Sopoian, a avut loc la data de 9 septembrie 2018 cu presedinte fondator Cristian Avram.
Echipa avea sa se adevereasca a fi tanara si dinamica, o mana de oameni plini de entuziasm, idealisti si harnici. Diversitatea profesionala, etnica si de gen a membrilor sai, avea sa creeze premise bune pentru un mediu extraordinar de lucru, avand cu totii scopul altruist de a face bine societatii din care fac parte. Directia implicarii prin proiectele lor in educatia culturala, s-a stabilit in timp, pe masura ce echipa s-a completat cu membrii implicati in activitatea culturala locala

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PROIECTELE NOASTRE[ql_services items_per_page=”3″ order_by=”date” headers=”1″ headers_links=”1″ headers_border=”1″ show_excerpt=”1″ show_featured_image=”1″ featured_image_links=”1″]
PARTENERII NOSTRI[our_clients images=”3985″ onclick=”link_no” top_margin=”page-margin-top”]

Is it the people who make Medicenter what it is and we are extremely proud of the achievements of our
staff. We all work together to help our patients through recovery, providing the best possible care.

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[mc_testimonials animation=”0″ layout=”sm-12″ testimonials_count=”3″ testimonials_title0=”I actually felt as if I was staying at a hotel of good reputation. Everyone was extremely friendly amd professional. This was the cleanest medical establishment I’ve ever been in.” testimonials_author0=”John Marco” testimonials_title1=”Prior to my stay at Medicenter, I was aware of their stellar reputation and multiple friends commented about how lucky I was to have my surgery scheduled there. As a result my expectations were high and yet the kind and professional staff surpassed them.” testimonials_author1=”Marilu Henner” testimonials_title2=”I was very pleased with my stay at Medicenter. The care that I was given by the nursing staff was as if I was one of their family members.” testimonials_author2=”Adam Lambda” icon=”1″ autoplay=”0″ scroll=”1″ duration=”500″ el_class=”white”]
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